Expected Potential Growth of the EV Industry in 2025
Technology: EV Technology , OCPP, OCPI

Expected Potential Growth of the EV Industry in 2025
Technology: EV Technology , OCPP, OCPI

Description: Expected Potential Growth of the EV Industry in 2025 Prepared By www.evbahancontrols.com Issues related to climate change have become a significant concern in recent years. To address the problems effectively, governments of almost all countries across the globe have been encouraging the growth of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. In line with the global […]

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EV Charger Operating System Development using OCPP1.6J Client
Technology: Typescript, Node.js

Project Scope: The client was looking for support from a team of international experts. The project was to improve various aspects of our OCPP 1.6J client in Typescript/Node.js feature completeness of OCPP 1.6J core + selected extensions – further configuration options – QA improvements – verification of the software and integration testing/adoption with different backends. […]

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